Dog Selection
At the beginning of the Petz: Dogz 2 game, you are prompted to select a breed of puppy. Forty breeds of dog are available, including Labrador retrievers, collies, Chihuahuas, boxers, dachshunds, beagles and Welsh corgis. Once the breed of dog has been selected, it may not be changed later in the game.
Growing Your Dog
The dog that you selected at the start of the game will be a puppy, who will have same type of nutritional and physical needs of a real-life puppy. You will be prompted to feed the puppy at regular intervals, to take the pet for medical attention at the virtual veterinarian if the pet is ill, and to take the pet for walks and regular play sessions as exercise.
Earning Money
To purchase food, medical care and other items for your virtual pet, you will need to earn money via the game adventures and quests. You can enter your dog into competitions with other virtual animals, sell extra items at the in-game stores or complete missions to earn money. In the missions, other in-game characters will ask you to find items or complete work for them. If the mission is completed as agreed in the time limit specified, you will get paid for the work.
Customizing Dog
A fishing mini-game allows you to fish for new outfits for your pet. You must obtain bait for your fishing pole at the in-game Bait and Tackle store and at the Petz in-game store. The more expensive types of bait are those found at the Petz store, and these baits will land the most rare pet outfits.