Obtaining an Esper
Determine which Esper you wish to obtain. Each is located in a different in-game area, and knowing where you're going can save some serious travel time.
Find the Esper you wish to capture. They can be found in the open in dungeons and on most maps.
Battle and defeat the Esper. This is the only way to obtain an Esper, and will add its token to the License Board to be used by characters.
Have a character purchase the Esper's license on the License Board. This will bind that Esper to that specific character, so choose who goes with who wisely.
Summoning an Esper
Build up a sufficient Mist charge to summon your Esper. There are three tiers of Esper, requiring one, two and three Mist Cartridges respectively.
Go to the main battle menu during a battle and choose "Mist."
Select "Summon" from the "Mist" menu.
Choose the Esper you wish to summon into battle from the list of Espers the character is licensed to summon.