Stay away from the bottom of the screen. If you go too close to the bottom, you could slip off the edge and fall, which will result in you losing health.
Watch the yeti's hands and be ready to move. The yeti will strike the sides of the cave that you're in, causing spiky ice shards to fall on your location. If he hits the right side, the shards will fall there. If he hits the left, the shards will fall there. If he hits both sides at once, shards will fall directly in the center of the cave.
Wait for the shards to fall three times. After the yeti causes spikes to fall three times, he will roar, causing a boulder to fall on his head and making him dizzy for a moment. Use this opportunity to hit him directly in the face. After you do this several times and bring the yeti down to two-thirds of his life, he will temporarily pass out and then get up again extremely angry. This will change the tactics for fighting him.
Avoid the yeti's breath attack. The yeti will take in a deep breath as a warning, and then blast you with a breath attack. Hide behind the giant blocks of ice to keep from getting blown off the ledge.
Pick up the cans of beans that appear randomly throughout this part of the fight. When the yeti takes a deep breath, throw the can of beans at its mouth. This will cause the yeti to pass gas and lose health. Do this several times to finish the beast off and enjoy the cutscene.