Fight your opponent to boost your "Finishing Move Meter." You cannot use a finishing move right away; you need to cause damage to your opponent and gain momentum throughout the match to fill your meter.
Pander to the crowd by performing taunts. The more you get the crowd roaring, the higher your meter fills. Be careful, however, as taunts take time and must be used when your opponent cannot hit you. A good time to use a taunt is after you hit your opponent with a powerful move or when the opponent is outside the ring.
Position yourself in the appropriate position your legend needs to be in to perform his specific signature move. The opponent must also be in the right position to land one of these moves. For example, the opponent must be on the ground lying on his back and you must be positioned by his feet to perform Bret "The Hitman" Hart's "Sharpshooter" move. Flick the right analog stick when you're in position. You have 15 seconds to perform a finishing move when your meter is full.