Proceed through the Mark Hunting side-quest to the Antlion Hunt. Accept the hunt and speak with Niray to formalize the contract. You will receive the Site 3 Key. Go to Lhusu Mines / Site 2 and unlock the Wrought Iron Gate with the Site 3 Key. The gate is in the northwest corner of the area.
Continue through the main storyline until you reach Phon Coast. Head to the Hunter's Camp area and then locate the Fallen Bhujerban here. Search the nearby area to find the Site 11 Key.
Return to Lhusu Mines. Go to the Site 9 area and then head southwest. Locate the Wrought Iron Gate here and unlock it with the Site 11 Key. Proceed through Site 11 and exit to the east. Find the Gate Switchboard. Operate it to create a shortcut. Go back to the previous screen. Head to the northwest corner to activate another Gate Switchboard and then exit east to Lasche Span.
Search for the Bombshell in this area. Because it's a rare monster, the Bombshell will only spawn 20 percent of the time. If it doesn't appear in Lasche Span, backtrack one screen and then return and try again. Defeat the Bombshell when he appears to obtain the Yagyu Darkblade.