Enter the "Asteroid Sweep" level mission one.
Destroy every enemy you see before you reach the canyon. Restart the mission if you miss one.
Defeat the gold knight head that appears in the canyon to collect a neon bar/g.
Enter the "Asteroid Sweep" level mission three.
Watch your radar for gold-colored enemies. Rotate to focus on them.
Defeat the gold U.F.O. to collect another neon bar/g.
Enter the "Stardust Sweep" level mission three.
Quickly defeat the spider enemy that flies in from behind, then swing around and take out the rest of the smaller enemies before the first buildings appear. Restart the mission if you do not accomplish this in time.
Defeat the gold knight head to collect a neon bar/g.
Enter the "Phantom Storm" level and play through all three missions. Concentrate on the gold enemies. There is one neon bar/g in each of the missions.
Enter the "Splash Island" level mission one. Collect at least 26 medals during the mission to be awarded a neon bar/g at the end.
Enter the "Splash Island" level mission three.
Concentrate your fire on red and gold enemies to make a gold bomber appear. Defeat it for a neon bar/g.
Enter the "Floating Island" level mission two.
Destroy every crawler you see. Four of them will give you a neon bar/g.
Enter "Broken Highway" level mission three.
Destroy every enemy you see as quickly as you can. A gold knight head will appear if you cause enough destruction. Defeat it for a neon bar/g. This is one of the most difficult golden enemies to get to appear. Equip graviga/g weapons and teeny ships to help take down as many enemies as possible.
Score at least 900,000 points by the end of the level to collect another neon bar/g. You should have more than enough points if you got the gold knight head to appear.
Enter the "Sunlight Storm" level and play through every mission. Concentrate on red enemies in the first two and gold enemies in the third. Each mission contains one neon bar/g.
Enter the "Assault of the Dreadnought" level mission two.
Defeat the core at the end of the level before it retreats for the final neon bar/g.