Dende's Healing Ability
Dende's Healing Ability is a skill-type Z-item. The item has the effect of slowly restoring the user's health bars over time.
Superior Regeneration Cells
Superior Regeneration Cells are a Red Potara Z-item. Using this item allows players to recover health bars over time at a faster rate than Dende's Healing Ability.
Super Mode
Super Mode is a Red Potara Z-item. It functions much like Super Regeneration Cells but recovers health bars at a faster rate.
Water Blessing
Water Blessing is a skill-type Z-item. When a player has Water Blessing equipped, he automatically recovers health bars and ki whenever he is in water. Only evil characters can equip this item.
Master Roshi's Training
Master Roshi's Training is a skill-type Z-item. Using this item will increase a character's health by 10,000 -- the equivalent of one full health bar.
King Kai's Training
King Kai's Training is a skill-type Z-item that works like a superior version of Master Roshi's training. Equipping a character with this item will increase his health by 20,000, giving him an extra two health bars.
Strength Enhancement
Strength Enhancement is a Red Potara Z-item. Equipping a character with this item raises his health by 30,000, giving him an additional three bars of health.