Wade Barrett
Use Skin color "8" with the "Shade" set to "-35." Select "Hair 14" and customize the colors to "21/83/31." Keep the default eye colors and select "Eyebrows 17."
Set the "Jaw" to "78/43/22/-32/-15/58." Set the "Mouth" to "-5/-39/-30/-53/24/-23/-32." Set the "Ears" to "52/40/100/-21." Set the "Cranium" to "-79/-100/-100/-56" and the "Head" to "2/-27/-77." Adjust the "Nose" to "-2/100/-9/46/-18/8/34/-100" and the "Eyes" to "-30/0/-62/-29/-6/0/-61."
Set the "Chest" to "-42/11/7/-38." Set the "Neck" to "-19/5/47." Set the "Shoulders" to "1/11/9." Set the "Abdomen" to "52/-4/4." Set the "Waist" to "18/9."
Set the "Legs" to "18." Set the "Thighs" to "6/-2" and the "Calves" to "-10/0." Select general black boots and knee pads. Add accessories like a black Nexus T-shirt to complete the creation.
David Otunga
Select "Skin Color 7" with a "-9" on the "Shine." Select hair style "2" and change all the colors to pure black. Select "Facial Hair 15" and "Chin 12."
Move the "Head" setting to "7/-6/ 26." Set the "Cranium" to "34/-9/-3/13." Set the "Eyes" to "-7/-11/56/-24/-21/31/-24" and the "Nose" to "-25/-25/ 7/-60/100/4/-16/-14." Set the "Jaw" to "100/37/24/33/ -24/9."
Move the "Neck" settings to "-90/-33/59." Set the "Chest" to "28/21/29/-100" and the "Shoulders" to "-26/31/-16." Set the "Abdomen" to "-23/32/33" and the "Waist" to "33/45."
Set the "Legs" to "-19." Set the "Thigh" to "7/7." Set the "Calves" to "6/32."
Add "12" for "Underwear." Insert extra accessories like tattoos "27" and "19" on his arms.
Mason Ryan
Select "Hair 19" and set it to "23/140/42." Set the "Hairiness" to "25" and change the settings to "0/255/0."
Morph the "Head" to "-72/12." Set the "Skull" to "-65/ -65/0/20." Set the "Eyes" to "-15/35/ -44/ -20/ -10/100/7" and the "Nose" to "-7/ -9/ -65/ -90/ -4/85/40/23." Set the "Cheeks" to "-75/ -100/20/ -60" and the "Jaw" to "-15/-100/ -18/ -2/22/12." Set the "Ears" to "18/36/ -43/ -14."
Set the "Neck" to "-50/10/25." Set the "Chest" to "-50/10/25." Set the "Shoulder" to "10/-22/ -55." Set the "Abdomen" to "-20/5/10."
Set the "Legs" to "-20/-5/ -19/ -19/ -4." Set the "Feet" to "0/0/0." Add basic black boots, and an arm band with the Nexus logo.