Atari released "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3" for the PlayStation 2 in 2004. "Budokai 3" is a fighting game with multiple modes of play and dozens of unlockable characters. One of the toughest to unlock is Cell Jr. As in the anime, Cell Jr. is a weaker replicant of Cell with similar moves and appearance. In order to unlock him, players must first unlock the Dragon Arena and then battle through hundreds of matches, waiting for a random encounter with Piccolo.
Beat "Dragon Universe" with each of the ten playable characters. You'll receive the Dragon Arena Ticket, which unlocks "Dragon Arena" mode.
Battle through the arena. After 100 fights, there's a slight chance that Piccolo will break in. The odds of him breaking in increase with each battle. If you're unlucky, you might have to fight over 300 battles.
Defeat Piccolo when he breaks in. This unlocks Cell Jr.