Complete story events. As you progress throughout the game, completing story events will earn you a variety of keyblades to choose from. This is paramount to developing a well-balanced character. In addition, side quests provide you with keyblades otherwise not found within the main story, and offer more powerful abilities.
Use the appropriate keyblade. Keyblades often come equipped with statistical boosts in magic, and physical power. These statical effects are useful when facing enemies who are weak against a single, particular power.
Open the Start menu. Press the "Start" button on the game controller to pause and open the Start menu, where the character statistics, equipment, and configuration options are viewed. The Start menu can be used at anytime except during battle and cinematic scenes.
Select a keyblade. Highlight the "Items" menu button in the left panel, then press the "X" button to select it. Search through the list of available keyblades and equip one by pressing the "X" button.