How Old is Tsunade?
Tsunade is 51 years old.
What is the Second Book in the Makeout Series?
The name of the second book is "Makeout Violence."
Who is Dan's Nephew?
Shizune is Dan's nephew.
What is Engraved on Kisamo's Ring?
The word "South" is engraved on the ring.
How Old was Hitachi When he Became an Anbu Squad Leader?
Hitachi was 13 years old.
Kabuto was Found by the Leaf Ninja Medical Squad After what Battle?
Kabuto was found after the Battle of Kikyo Pass.
What Land is Gaara From?
Gaara is from the Land of Wind.
How Many Ninja Hounds does Kakashi Summon?
Kakashi summons eight hounds.
Who is Not a Member of The Akatsuki?
Of the available choices, Zebuza is not a member.
How Did Gaara Get Dark Circles Around his Eyes?
Gaara's dark circles come from insomnia.