Offensive Controls
"NBA 2K2" features offensive controls that help players perform better and create fun replays. Perform a running shot by holding the analog stick forward while running with the ball. Hook shots require you to hold down "L1" and press the square button to perform the hook when near the hoop. Attempt a fade-away shot by pointing the analog stick in the opposite direction while shooting the ball into the hoop.
Defensive Controls
The intricate defensive controls of NBA 2K2 help players take the ball from their opponents and protect their plays. Perform steals and blocks to defend yourself and your team. Holding the "L1" button while pressing the circle button lets the player perform a turbo steal. To perform a swat block, hold the "L1" button while running, and press the square button to block. Pressing the "L1" button while moving the left analog stick right or left performs a drop step, effectively blocking any other defending players.
Mastering The Controls
Practice using your selected player to get a feel for his playing style. Try playing as different players to learn your preferred playing style. Utilize the available controls to help yourself navigate the game better. The square, triangle, circle, "L," "R" and "X" buttons all serve to help input commands for offensive and defensive moves.
Applying Your Knowledge
A player's style affects his shooting, passing and running the court. Lighter players may shoot and pass more quickly, while heavier players may be slower. Take care to pass when in close proximity to a teammate or an opponent will intercept; use the "triangle" button to pass to the highlighted player. Use your player's advantages and disadvantages to work with the other players to gain the most points.