Easy Money Cheat
To get easy money in "Dead Rising 2" first collect all three gambling magazines. Next, go to the Slot Ranch Casino and play on the large heart-shaped slot machine located on the first floor, which is situated near the Food Court. If you constantly bet the maximum of $1000 it is possible to accumulate as much as $1,000,000 in the space of ten minutes. Note that the chance of winning is fairly randomized, so you might win three games in a row, and then not win another game for two or three minutes.
Easy Leveling Cheat
To increase your level in "Dead Rising 2" easily, first go to Fortune Park and walk toward Atlantico Casino, but do not enter. Instead follow the wall to the right until you notice dynamite and a chunk of meat outside the maintenance door. Enter the door and combine the dynamite with the meat to get the "Dynameat." Next head to the fireworks stand, grab some firecrackers and climb to the top of the stand. Attract a large group of zombies using the firecrackers, leap into the crowd and place the Dynameat in their midst before hightailing it out. When the Dynameat explodes you will get a lot of PP. If you enter another place and return, all the items will respawn and the trick can be repeated indefinitely.
Magazine Duplication Cheat
The trick to duplicating magazines in "Dead Rising 2" is to use two players. First, start a new game and acquire the magazine you wish to copy, then have the other player select the same magazine in their own game. Both players should save the game, and one player should join the other's game by using of the co-op feature. The player who joined the game can drop the magazine and then leave the game, so that player one will now have two copies of the magazine. You can repeat this trick until you acquire twelve magazines. For instance, with twelve Driving magazines, you will have a super powered SUV, and with twelve Bargaining magazines you get a 120 percent price decrease at pawnshops.
Easy Items and Fast New Game +
You can get easy items in "Dead Rising 2" by first collecting all the desired items in an area, and then leaving the area. When you return to the area the items will have respawned and you can again collect the ones you wish. In the New Game+ feature, which you can access after completing the game, you can skip the the first "Terror is Reality" section by simply skipping the intro sequence.