Hobbies And Interests

Infinite Ammo Cheats for Uncharted on the PS3

"Uncharted: Drake's Fortune" is an action-adventure video game released in 2007 as an exclusive for the PlayStation 3. Throughout the game, protagonist Nathan Drake uses a variety of weapons to dispose of enemies. Each of these weapons rewards in-game medals after reaching a certain kill threshold. Once enough medal points are earned, it becomes possible to essentially have an unlimited supply of ammunition.
  1. Infinite Ammo Cheat

    • "Uncharted" allows players to use an in-game reward as an exploit to never run dry on their weapons. Once the player has earned at least 300 medal points press "Start" and open the "Rewards" menu. Choose "Weapon Select" and pick one of the available weapons. Every weapon chosen will have full ammunition. Switching between weapons through this menu gives you the effect of having infinite ammunition by always stocking full ammo when switching weapons.

    Weapon Medals

    • Since the infinite ammo cheat works only after earning 300 medal points, it's important to work on earning medals. Medals are rewarded for a number of different feats, including getting 10, 30 and 100 headshots; killing 20 enemies with the Desert-5, Mk-NDI grenades and the Wes-44; killing 30 enemies with the Dragon Sniper, M79 and MP40; and killing 50 enemies with the 92FS-9 mm, AK47, M4, Micro-9mm, Moss-12, PM-9 mm and SAS-12. These medals should also unlock the weapon rewards needed to use the infinite ammo cheat.


    • Since in-game medals are rewarded and accessible in every difficulty, the most efficient way to gain this exploit is to earn all the in-game medals up to 300 points on the Easy difficulty and then complete the game on whichever difficulty you please while using the cheat. Those who want to earn all the game completion medals have to finish the game on every difficulty without changing to another, although the "Easy" medal is also rewarded to those who complete on "Normal" difficulty.

    Other Medals

    • To help achieve the 300 medal points needed to use the infinite ammo cheat, there are a number of other medals available, many of which require obtaining treasures and the method of defeating enemies. Treasure hunter medals are earned on finding the first treasure, the fifth and for every five treasures thereafter up to the maximum 60 with an individual medal for the "strange relic" item (also required for the 60 medal reward). Stylized killing medals including killing five enemies with a Brutal Combo, killing three enemies with one grenade and killing 10 enemies with either weapons or grenades while hanging from a ledge.

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