Unlock Cheats with Intel
The following game modes and cheats are unlockable by acquiring Intel pieces throughout the game.
2 Intel pieces: Play game in black and white.
4: "Photo-Negative" inverts game colors.
6: "Super Contrast" increases game contrast.
8: "Ragtime Warfare" makes the game look like an old silent film.
10: "Cluster Bombs" makes one fragmentation grenade equal five grenades when it explodes.
15: "A Bad Year" makes enemies explode as tires when they're shot.
20: "A Slow-Mo Ability" slows game play to 40 percent normal speed.
30: "Infinite Ammo" gives you unlimited ammunition.
Unlockable Modes
Arcade Mode: Beating the game all the way through on any difficulty level will unlock Arcade Mode.
Prestige Mode: Reach an experience level of 55 to unlock Prestige Mode, which lets you begin the game again from the first level and play again up to 10 times to gain achievement. Prestige Mode is multiplayer only.
Unlock Extra Mission
Beat the game and watch the entire end credits. Once they're finished, you will be given the chance to play one extra mission.
Unlockable Weapons
Multiplayer weapons are unlocked by reaching the following ranks.
Assault Rifle (G-3): 25
Assault Rifle (G-36C): 37
Assault Rifle (M-14): 46
Assault Rifle (M-4): 10
Assault Rifle (MP-44): 52
LMG (M-60E4): 19
Pistol (Desert Eagle): 43
Pistol (Golden Desert Eagle): 55
Pistol (M-1911): 16
Shotgun (M-1014): 31
SMG (AK-74U): 28
Sniper Rifle (Barrett): 49
Sniper Rifle (Dragunov): 22
Sniper Rifle (M-40): 04
Sniper Rifle (R-700): 34
Golden Weapons are unlockable by achieving the following requirements.
AK-47: Finish all Assault Rifle challenges.
Desert Eagle: Reach level 55.
Dragunov: Finish all Sniper Rifle challenges.
M-1014: Finish all Shotgun challenges.
M-60: Finish all LMG challenges.
Mini-Uzi: Finish all SMG challenges.
Improved Hiding
Playing as SAS or Spetsnaz, you can improve your hiding in grassy maps like Overgrown or Downpour. The following perks and weapons are necessary:
Primary Weapon: Any sniper rifle
Secondary Weapon: Any
Perk 1: Bandolier
Perk 2: Over-kill
Perk 3: Any
The sniper rifle gives you a ghillie suit, which is covered in leaves. Lay prone in grassy areas and your enemies will have a hard time seeing you.
Helicopter Trick
Get a rocket-propelled grenade and follow a helicopter, waiting for it to stand still. Shoot it with one rocket, then switch to your primary weapon and fire more shots. The helicopter should go down in just a few shots.