General Cheat Codes
Enter "#" and the numbers below into your in-game cell phone. After the number is accepted, go to the "Cheats" menu and activate the cheat. The effect will be instantaneous.
Add Gang Wanted Level -#
Add Police Wanted Level - #4
Decrease Player Size -É
Full Health - #1
Increase Player Size -È
Infinite Ammo -
Infinite Sprint #6
Invincibility -$
No Cop Wanted Level -2
No Gang Wanted Level -3
Receive $1,000 -ã4666399
Repair Vehicle -i6
Unlimited Ammo Clip - #9
Vehicle Cheat Codes
Enter "#" and the numbers below into your in-game cell phone. After the number is accepted, go to the "Cheats" menu and activate the cheat. The vehicle will spawn near the player.
Ambulance -h0
Anchor -h1
Atlasbreaker -h2
Attrazione -h3
Backdraft -h4
Backhoe -h5
Bag Boy -h6
Baron -h7
Bear -h8
Bootlegger -h9
Bulldog -i0
Bulldozer -i1
Compton -i2
Eiswolf -i3
FBI -i4
Five0 -i5
Hollywood -i7
Horizon -ˇ
Hurricane -̹
Justice -i8
Kaneda -̡
Kenshin -̢
Kent -i9
Mag -j0
Melbourne -̣
Miami -̺
Mixmaster -j1
Mongoose -j2
Oring -j3
Phoenix -j4
Python -̻
Quasar -j5
Quota -j6
Rampage -j7
Raycaster -j8
Reaper -j9
Sabretooth -̤
Sandstorm -̥
Septic Avenger -k0
Shaft -k1
Shark -̼
Skipper -̽
Snipes57 -ˈ
Stilwater Municipal -k2
Superiore -k3
Taxi -k4
The Job -k5
Titan -k6
Toad -k7
Tornado -ˉ
Varsity -k8
Venom Classic -k9
Vortex -l0
Widowmaker -̦
Wolverine -ˊ
Zenith -l1
Weapon Cheat Codes
Enter "#" and the numbers below into your in-game cell phone. After the number is accepted, go to the "Cheats" menu and activate the cheat. The player will instantly receive the weapon.
12 Gauge -Θ
44 Shepherd -Ι
AR200 -Κ
AR50 -Λ
AR50 Launcher -Μ
AS14 -Ν
Baseball Bat -Ξ
Chainsaw -Ο
Fire Extinguisher -Π
Flamethrower -Ρ
Flashbang -
GAL43 -Σ
Grenade -Υ
Holt 55 -Φ
K6 Krukov -Χ
Knife -Ψ
Machete -Ω
McManus2010 -Ϊ
Minigun -Ϋ
Molotov -ά
Nightstick -έ
NR4 -ή
Pepper Spray -ί
Pimp Cane -ΰ
Pimp Slap -ω
Pipe Bomb -α
RPG -β
RPG Annihilator -γ
Samurai Sword -δ
Satchel -ε
Shock Paddles -ζ
SKR-9 -η
Sledgehammer -θ
Stungun -ι
T3K Urban -κ
Tire Iron -λ
Tombstone -μ
Vice 9 -ν
XS-2 -ξ
Weather Cheat Codes
Enter "#" and the numbers below into your in-game cell phone. After the number is accepted, go to the "Cheats" menu and activate the cheat. The in-game weather will change instantaneously.
Clear Skies -̒69
Heavy Rain -̒66
Light Rain -̒68
Normal Weather -̒70
Overcast -̒65
Miscellaneous Cheat Codes
Enter "#" and the numbers below into your in-game cell phone. After the number is accepted, go to the "Cheats" menu and activate the cheat. The effect will be instantaneous.
Increased Explosion Size - #7
Low Gravity --
Midnight -ð0
Noontime -x0
Pedestrians Act Drunk -
Pedestrian Attack Each Other -
Shrink Everyone -Ê