Unlock Ted Dibiase Sr. by choosing Randy Orton's "Road To Westlemania" mode and defeating Ted DiBiase Jr. After the match, choose to KO Ted Dibiase Sr.
Unlock Cowboy Bob Orton by choosing Randy Orton's "Road to Wrestlemania" mode. During week 9 do not use any strikes in your match.
Unlock Dusty Rhodes by choosing Randy Orton's "Road To Westlemania" mode and defeating Cody Rhodes. After the match, choose to KO Dusty Rhodes.
Unlock Eve by choosing Mickie Jame's "Road to Wrestlemania" mode. During week 2, defeat Maryse by pin-fall or submission.
Obtain Ezekiel Jackson by playing your Create-a-Superstar's "Road to Wrestlemania" mode. During week 3, throw each of your opponents out of the ring at least once.
Obtain the Red and Green Dummies by choosing Randy Orton's "Road to Wrestlemania" mode. During week 3, refuse Cody Rhode's help, then reverse three of Batista's attacks.
Unlock Jesse by choosing Edge's "Road to Westlemania" mode. During week 2, hit each of your opponents with a finishing maneuver.
Unlock Vince McMahon by choosing Edge's "Road to Wrestlemania" mode. During week 11, put Triple H through an announcer's table.
Complete Edge's "Road to Westlemania" mode to unlock The Rock. The Rock can also be unlocked by entering "The Great One" as a code in your game's cheat menu.
Complete Mickie Jame's "Road to Wrestlemania" mode to unlock Trish Stratus.