Go over to the armor vendor and turn the camera around. Locate the first Tachyon Statue on a platform to the right. Jump up on the platform to retrieve it.
Head to the fountain. Jump up to the pillar in the center to collect the second statue.
Proceed forward to the small landscaped area that touches the fountain. Collect the third Tachyon Statue from here.
Eliminate the consumer bots in front of you. Continue forward to the gap with the row of TNT crates on the edge. Perform a Stretch Jump over the gap, grab the fourth statue then return to the main area.
Locate the weapons vendor to your left. Proceed beyond him to the floating monitor. Collect the fifth Tachyon Statue from here.
Turn the camera toward the fountain to the right after collecting the fifth statue. Locate the large yellow building with the Ferris wheel behind. Advance toward the building and look to its right. You will see a large fire-breathing statue. Collect the sixth and final Tachyon Statue from the front of the larger statue.