Earn the "Chameleon" rank by mostly choosing to participate in matches with "Team Sneaking" rules. Earn the "Fighting Fish" rank by playing the majority of your matches with "Deathmatch" rules. Earn the "Snake" ranking by playing in sneaking matches most of the time.
Obtain the "Flying Squirrel" ranking by making use of the roll maneuver for most of your time in battle.
Obtain the "Eagle" rank by killing the majority of your opponents with head-shots. Earn the "Sloth" ranking by getting shot in the head most of the time.
Obtain the "Chicken" rating by running from your enemies and rarely participating in battle.
Get the "Rat" ranking by falling into enemy traps frequently.
Earn the "Turtle" ranking by making use of the cardboard box item for a majority of your time in battle.
Earn the "Pigeon" rank by taking down the majority of your opponents using non-lethal means.