Destroy one of the steel boxes as soon as the fight with Venom begins. This will momentarily stun him.
Attack Venom hand-to-hand while he's still stunned. Use both fast and strong attack combos until he retreats and regains his shield.
Activate your spider senses to find another steel box and repeat the process until you've beaten Venom down to 50 percent health. At this point the battle with Sandman will start, putting you in control of New Goblin.
Fly toward the on screen marker to find Sandman. Use the turbo button to get there before the timer winds down.
Wait for Sandman to attack you first and tap the button prompt that appears. This will activate an interactive sequence.
Tap the button prompts as soon as they appear on the screen. The buttons are in this order: down, speed boost, right, left, down, fast attack, left and web. Hitting all buttons will result in a fire hydrant exploding with a spray of water.
Aim the spray of water toward the middle of the Sandman and hold it there until he turns to mud. Drop as many bombs as possible on his head while he's in this state until you defeat him.
Follow the button prompts to complete the next interactive cut scenes. The first is left, fast attack, web, up and web. The second is left, right, left, jump, down, jump and down. You will then switch back to Spider Man to finish the fight with Venom.
Destroy a steel box to stun Venom and attack him in the same manner as before. When you get his health low enough, another interactive button sequence will begin.
Press the buttons as soon as they appear on the screen. This sequence is up, jump, left, jump, web, spider reflexes, fast attack, spider reflex, strong attack and swing. This will finish the game.