Things You'll Need
In order to access "Create" mode, the player must have beaten the first chapter of the game. This chapter gives players a feeling for the game's potential for fun and creativity, so developers have designated the need for completion of it as a requirement for orientation.
Access the "MyMoon" section of the game through the Main Hub. The Main Hub is the first screen after the game is turned on. Select it by pressing the "X" button.
Select a crater on the moon by using the direction keys until you find one that looks like a good place to build your level, then press "X" to select it. This is where you will build your level. Or, you can select the level where you are currently building and to which you want to add floating material.
Press the "Square" key to access the creative menu. Then proceed to select your "Goodies Bag." While in your "Goodies Bag," select the material "Dark Matter" and place a small amount of it where you wish to create your floating item.
After selecting and placing "Dark Matter," select and build the object that you wish to have float. After building the object, move the object over the "Dark Matter" and hold "X" until you hear a squishing sound. After the sound is heard, let go of the "X" button and your item will be attached. The "Dark Matter" will not show up in the playable version of your game as long as you have it covered with your object, so the item will appear to be floating.