Hero King-Method
Stand in the center of the battle platform and dodge the dragon's fire attack. Follow this up with your own combo attack.
Dodge his next attack, where the dragon tries to step on you. Follow this up with your own combo.
Dodge the dragon's third attack by jumping away from the center of the battle area to another platform. Jump back to the center when the attack is finished.
Repeat steps 1 through 3 until the dragon's health gets dangerously low (his health bar will turn red). The dragon will then throw you on his back.
Follow the button prompts that you see on the screen to kill the dragon and beat the game.
Monster-Slayer Method
Activate your Carnal Fury mode at the beginning of the battle, then run to one of the available carnal spores on the edge of the battle area.
Attack the dragon as soon as he approaches you. When you are running low on Carnal Fury, attack the spore near you and recharge your fury. Run to the other carnal spore and wait for the dragon.
Repeat step 2 until the dragon's health gets dangerously low (his health bar will turn red). The carnal spores will reappear after a time, so you can run back and forth between the two spores and constantly stay in Carnal Fury mode. When its health is low, the dragon will throw you on its back.
Follow the button prompts that you see on the screen to kill the dragon and beat the game.