Directional and Analog Buttons
The directional pad and analog buttons serve several uses. Press up on the pad to receive hints during the game. Press left and right on the directional pad to alternate between weapons. Touch the left analog stick to move around the environment. Leaning on the right analog stick will move the camera and aim your weapon.
X, Circle, Square and Triangle Buttons
The "X" button has a wide variety of uses in-game. Hit "X" when you need to jump, climb over something, vault over a wall, drop down to a lower level and to grab onto ledges. The "Triangle" button allows you to interact with items, pick things up and counteract an enemy grapple move. Press "Square" to enter hand-to-hand combat and use a finishing move on an enemy. Press "Circle" to take cover from enemy fire and to roll away from danger.
L and R Buttons
Press the "R1" button to fire your weapon and to shoot blindly from behind cover. Hit "L2" to throw grenades, and press "R2" to reload your weapon. "R3" will enable you to zoom in while in aiming mode.
Several moves need a combination of buttons. Press "L1" and press in the left analog stick to switch shoulders while you aim. Press "L1" and "R2" to poke out of cover and fire your weapon. Hold the "L1" button and use the right analog stick to maneuver in manual aim mode. Hold "R1" while using the right analog stick to shoot while running.
Start and Select
The "Start" button pauses the game and the "Select" button pulls up the in-game journal.