Unlocking Chocobos
Successfully complete Mission 05 located in Yaschas Massif - Tsumitran Basin, and Mission 07 located in Yaschas Massif - Paddraean Archaeopolis to unlock Mission 12.
Successfully complete Mission 12 by visiting the Cie'th Stone located in the Archylte Steppe - Western Benchland and defeating Geiseric. Once you complete this Mission, the Chocobo area becomes available.
Successfully complete Mission 13 by visiting the Cie'th Stone located in the Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain and defeating the Goblin Chieftain and three Goblins to unlock Mission 14.
Successfully complete Mission 14 by visiting the Cie'th Stone located in the Archylte Steppe - Font of Namva and defeating the two Sahagins and two Ceratosaurs to be awarded with the Gysahl Reins which allow you to ride Chocobos.