Things You'll Need
Select the multi-player mode from the "Modern Warfare 2" main menu.
Put care packages, sentry guns or emergency airdrops on your load-out from the multi-player "killstreak rewards" menu. Then start the multi-player match.
Kill four enemies if you have care packages on your class, five if you have a sentry gun, or eight if you are using an emergency airdrop.
Go to where you can pick up the weapon of a fallen enemy or ally. Make sure you are close enough to be prompted to switch your current weapon with the one on the ground.
Click the left analog stick on the controller to use your knife melee attack.
Press square (a button on the PS3 console) immediately after you use your melee attack.
Press right on the D-pad half a second after pressing square. This allows you to equip a care package, sentry gun or emergency airdrop without removing the one you earned from your inventory.
Throw the smoke signal for the care package and repeat the process to continue getting unlimited rewards.