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How to Level Fast in Sacred 2 for the PS3

"Sacred 2: Fallen Angel" is a role-playing game in which players can choose whether to fight with the forces of good or evil, and conduct a campaign against other armies for control of a substance called "T-Energy." To defeat the more powerful enemies of the game, the player should be at a high experience level. The player can perform certain in-game tasks to quickly reach this level.

Things You'll Need

  • Potion of the mentor
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    • 1

      Find an area containing monsters with a slightly higher level than yours.

    • 2

      Drink the potion of the mentor, and defeat the monsters in this area until you are equal to their level. With the potion, you will gain 50 percent more experience than usual.

    • 3

      Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until you reach your preferred level.

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