Receiving a Trade Offer
Review the trade details when another team makes a trade proposal to you. The proposal box will tell you which team is making the offer, what they are offering and what they want in return.
Select "Review Trade" to go to a screen with further details about the pieces involved in the trade. If you do not wish to review the details, select "Accept Trade" to make the deal official or "Decline" to reject it.
Cycle through the list of players on your team and the other team. Remove players you don't want involved in the trade from the trading block, and add new pieces to make a counteroffer. The game automatically calculates and shows you the total monetary value of the two sides of the trade as well as the salary cap room each team has so you can create balanced deals.
Send your counteroffer back to the other team. They will respond and let you know whether they accept, reject or have another counteroffer. If they counteroffer, continue to modify the trade pieces and make counteroffers until you reach an agreement or no longer want to make a trade.
Make a Trade Offer
Select "Roster Management," and click "Trade Players" in the Dynasty Mode menu.
Cycle through the other teams in the league, and find one you want to make a trade with.
Select players or draft picks from your team in the left list. Click on the ones you want to offer to the other team to add them to your trading block.
Switch to the other team, and cycle through its players and draft picks. Click on the pieces you want back in the deal to add to the trading block.
Review the trade, and see how much salary is going either way. When you are satisfied with the details, send the offer to the other team. You will receive a response indicating whether the team accepts, rejects or has a counteroffer. If they counteroffer, you can accept their terms or continue to add and remove trade pieces until you reach an agreement or no longer want to make a trade.