"Sorcery" is an action-RPG developed by Sony Computer Entertainment of America and designed specifically for the PlayStation Move system. The game puts the player in the role of a sorcerer's apprentice, tasked with defending the world from the Nightmare Queen and her ambitions for eternal darkness. With the Move, the player can craft potions, solve puzzles and cast spells to save the day.
PlayStation 3 owners looking to enjoy "Sorcery" will require several peripherals. The Move motion controller system is a key element of "Sorcery's" gameplay, producing the on-screen motions required to complete the game's various tasks and functions.
Navigation Wand
The navigation wand often utilized in conjunction with the Move controller is a semi-optional component for playing "Sorcery." The navigation wand isn't necessary for gameplay provided the player has a Dual Shock 3 controller on hand, but one or the other is necessary. The navigation wand may also offer players a somewhat more comfortable experience, as the Dual Shock 3 may feel unbalanced being held in one hand.
Dual Shock 3 Controller
For players who don't have a navigation wand, the Dual Shock 3 controller is a viable alternative. While somewhat more cumbersome when used in one hand than the wand, both controllers feature the same available direction functions. This means that players who only have the Move controller or who are more comfortable with a Dual Shock 3 than the navigational wand have an alternative.
PlayStation Eye
One final element that anyone wanting to play "Sorcery" will require is the PlayStation Eye. This camera is at the core of the Move system, as it determines the position and location of the Move controller by locating the glowing orb at the top and contrasting it against the rest of the image in the camera's field of vision. Without the camera, "Sorcery" is basically unplayable.