Load "LittleBigPlanet" and enter the "MyMoon" menu. Select a custom level to load, either a new or old one.
Open your "Popit" by pressing "Square" and select the materials tab. Choose the wood material and press "X."
Stamp a thick block of wood into the game world. Open your "Popit" again and select the "Dark Matter" material.
Create a thin layer of "Dark Matter." Open the "Popit" and select the "Tools Bag." Choose the "Emitter" tool and place it on the block of wood from step 2. Select the "Popit Cursor" from the "Popit" menu to change the emitter's "Max Emitted At Once" value to one.
Attach the "Dark Matter" slice to the front of the emitter. Open your "Popit" and create another block of wood to attach to the back of the emitter.
Press "R2" to activate the emitter, which will create another block of wood, pushing the already existing one into another layer. Repeat this step to create and use 50 layers.