Connect the Mad Catz Black Ops controller to the PlayStation 3 using the included USB charge cable. You will need to let the controller charge before you can use it wirelessly.
Plug the wireless USB receiver in to the PlayStation 3's USB port after the device has charged.
Disconnect the USB cable and power on the PlayStation 3.
Power on the controller. You may need to press the sync button on top of the controller to connect to the receiver.
Set the "Combat Buttons" on the back of the controller to the buttons of your choosing. This is done by sliding the switch to the button of your choice. The first "Combat Button" can be assigned to L3, X, Circle or Left Precision, which reduces the sensitivity of the left analog stick's movement. The second "Combat Button" can be set to R3, Square, Triange or Right Precision.
Turn on the lighting beneath the analog sticks using the switch on the bottom of the controller.