Things You'll Need
Turn on the PlayStation 3 console to access the main menu. Use your email address and password to sign on to PlayStation Network.
Scroll right to highlight the "Game" menu. Select the "PlayStation Store" and choose "All Games A-Z."
Highlight "PS3 Content" and press "X." Select "J-L" and then "LittleBigPlanet" to see the list of available costumes.
Select "inFAMOUS Costume" and choose "Buy Now." If you have $1.99 in your PlayStation Wallet, the inFAMOUS Costume downloads automatically. If you do not have $1.99 in your PlayStation Wallet, you will need to add it before you can purchase the costume.
Close the PlayStation Store to return to the main menu. At the Game menu, highlight the InFAMOUS Costume and then tap "X" to install the content to your game.
Put the "LittleBigPlanet" game into your PlayStation 3 console. The game loads automatically. Press "Square" to open the Popit menu.
Select "Customize Character" and press "Square" again. Choose "Theme." Scroll through the alphabetical list and select the "inFAMOUS" costume pack. Select the outfit you want to wear.