Kill four players consecutively in Multiplayer mode on "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" without dying to get the care package killstreak reward. You must only kill three players consecutively if you are using the Hardline perk. You gain the ability to drop a care package after killing the necessary number of players, at which time a message appears on the screen notifying you that you have an air drop available.
Press the right side of the cross on your controller's directional pad to arm your character with a care package smoke grenade.
Press the "R1" button to throw the care package signal grenade. Throw the grenade nearby in an open uncovered space; if you throw the signal inside of a building or below debris, the care package may land in an area that's impossible to reach. Roughly 10 seconds after throwing the grenade a helicopter flies in and drops the care package in the location where you threw the smoke signal.