Click "Multiplayer" from the main "Black Ops" menu, then sign in to Xbox Live or the PlayStation network. Click "Playercard," then select "Edit Playercard."
Select "Layer 1" and choose the "Bolt" icon. Change the color of the icon to green, then rotate it to be vertical. Place it to the left side -- this will be the first line in the "M" logo.
Click "Layer 2," then select the "Bolt" icon and place the icon over the first icon, slightly to the right to make the line thicker.
Click "Layer 3" and select the "Bolt" icon again, then rotate it vertically and color it green. Place it to the right of the first "Bolt" icon and make it slightly larger. Select "Bolt" for "Layer 4," then place it over the "Layer 3" icon and slightly to the right.
Make the third line in the "M" logo by selecting the "Bolt" icon for "Layer 5" and placing it to the right side. Make it the same size as the first line, then make the same icon for "Layer 6" and place it over the "Layer 5" icon.
Select the "Eight-pointed Star" icon for "Layer 7," then place it to the top left of the third line in the "M" logo. Do the same for "Layer 8" and "Layer 9," placing them at the top of the other two lines.
Select the "Bolt" icon for "Layer 10" and place it horizontally at the top of the "M" logo. Select "Rectangle Wide" for "Layer 11," then color it black and make it fill the entire background of the logo.
Press "Back" and save the "Monster Energy Drink" logo as your playercard emblem.