Ensure your PS3 is connected to the Internet. On the PS3 startup screen, scroll over to "Settings" and scroll down to "Network Settings." Click on the "Internet Connection" option and then click on "Test Connection" which will give you a prompt if you are connected. If you are not, connect with Wi-Fi or an Ethernet connection.
Click on the "NCAA Football 10: Team Builder" optioin. When you put in the "NCAA Football 10" disc, you will see an option on the main menu that says "Team Builder." Click on this link, which will connect you to the online server.
Input the activation code for the game located in the game's manual. When you do so, you will activate the online "Team Builder." Follow the on-screen steps to build your team.
Save your team. Once you have crafted a team to your liking, click on the option at the bottom of the screen labeled "Save Team." Your activation code provides 12 slots in which to save up to 12 different teams. Teams will be saved online and you can access then directly on your PS3 at the "Team Selection" screen when starting "NCAA Football 10."