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How to Unlock the Last Door to Fight the Bat on Darksiders for PS3

Tiamat is the Bat Queen and one of the major bosses you must defeat over the course of playing "Darksiders" for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. Before you can fight Tiamat, you must unlock the door to her domain by fitting the last of three crystal swords into its place in the room with the three angel statues. This is the final puzzle for this room, which requires a fair amount of backtracking throughout the surrounding areas before you can solve it.


    • 1

      Enter the door that you unlock by placing the second crystal blade in the angel statue. Defeat all of the enemies that appear in this room, then open the chest to get a Beholder's Key.

    • 2

      Backtrack to the room with the angel statues, then proceed into the room before the angel statues -- this is the room where you raised the statue from the lava before entering the angel statue room. Open the locked door with the Beholder's Key.

    • 3

      Kill all of the enemies in this room with your Crossblade before you start exploring it. Cross the lava by jumping on the pillars to the right of the room's entrance. Turn the wheel in this area to raise a column, then enter the door.

    • 4

      Fight the Jailer boss. Pull on the lever that appears once you defeat the Jailer, then ride the elevator down to the next level. Grab the dormant bomb and throw it onto the red crystals. Throw your Crossblade so that it targets the lit torch, then the bomb so it blows up the crystals.

    • 5

      Follow the linear path until you get to a wheel, and turn it to raise a pathway in the lava. Walk down this path to get back to the first room with the red crystals. Throw the Crossblade so that it takes fire from the torches in this room and lights all of the torches along the path you just raised.

    • 6

      Grab a dormant bomb and throw it at the red crystals, then throw your Crossblade so it catches fire and lights the bomb. Go into the room and turn the wheel to raise a wheel station up to the large lava pit room. Backtrack to the large lava pit room.

    • 7

      Turn the wheel that you raised earlier to raise another column in the lava. Jump across the lava using the columns and enter the door on the other side. Throw your Crossblade at the two crystals on either side of the gate to open it.

    • 8

      Pass through the gate and defeat the enemies in the large arena. Grab the crystal blade, which triggers the appearance of two final enemies. Defeat them, then backtrack to the room with the angel statues. Place the crystal blade in the final angel statue to unlock the door to Tiamat's room.

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