Things You'll Need
Place a keyboard next to you on the floor or in your lap. The keyboard must be near the microphone on the EyeToy. Since you have to be near the EyeToy to play the game, having the keyboard next to you is a good distance.
Turn up the volume on the keyboard. Press a key to see if the EyePet reacts to it. He might sing the note or cock his head to the side like he is listening. Turn up the volume some more until the EyePet reacts to the music.
Press a button on the keyboard to change the tone. You must choose a tone that has long notes. When you press and hold a key, the note continues to play.
Press and hold the "X" button on the controller while pressing down on any key on the keyboard. Hold it for several seconds and then release both buttons. Wait for EyePet to copy the note. Repeat with a different note if he does not react. Keep pressing notes until he starts to sing.