"Call of Duty: World at War" is part of a series of first-person shooter video games that features a varied selection of game modes, from the classic campaign mode to cooperative scenarios. "World at War" was the first in the series with a game mode focused on surviving endless waves of Nazi-uniformed zombies. While playing through the game's campaign, players collect so-called death cards that can be activated to add new dimensions to the Nazi zombie mode.
- "Call of Duty: World at War"
- Death Cards
- PlayStation Network-accessible PS3
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Insert "World at War" into your PlayStation 3 game console, and allow the game to load.
Click the cooperative game mode on the main menu, then click the option to play online on the PlayStation Network.
Choose to make the match a private match from the game lobby.
Select "Settings," then toggle the enable/disable option next to the words "Death Cards" on the game rules menu.