Things You'll Need
Start a new game of Metal Gear Solid 4 or continue with a previously started game.
Press the "Start" button on your PlayStation 3 controller to pause the game and bring up the game's menu.
Select "Save" located at the bottom of the screen. Save is the final option in the pause menu; highlight it and press the "X" button. This will bring up a new screen called the "Save" screen.
Select "Save" from the "Save" screen. (The other options are "Delete" or "Exit to title screen.")
Select a file to save your game. You can select a new file by choosing the "New Save" option or you may save over an existing file. If you save over existing data, you will be prompted to select whether or not you intend to overwrite the data (click yes to overwrite it). Pressing "New Save" prompts you to answer whether you intend to save the data; click "Yes."
Wait for the PlayStation 3 to save your data. Press "X" when the game displays the "Game Saved" message and resume playing.