Free Engine Repair
If your engine breaks down in the course of ramming police cars or running into trees while on a high-speed chase, there is an easy way to fix it. Pull out your phone and dial any number. Your engine will magically start again.
Endless Money
Block the road in front of an ATM to cause a traffic jam. After someone walks up to the ATM and makes a withdrawal, kill him. Grab the money that they drop on the ground. Run a half block away and run back. If you have properly blocked the road so that an ambulance cannot get through, the person should still be lying on the ground and the money will have reappeared. You can repeat this until you have all the money you desire.
Ice Cream Treats
If you grab a Mr. Tasty Ice Cream truck, the radio will play the GTA theme while you drive. Call ZiT on your cell phone while the song is playing and you will receive a text message that will store a cheat in your phone. Activating the cheat will give you full body armor and health.
Internet Cafe
Head to the Internet cafe in the game and type in the URL "" to learn all the locations for various power-ups in the game, from weapons to armor to places to perform stunts.
Cell Phone Bonus
Dial "482-555-0100" on your cell phone to fill up not only your health and armor but also your ammunition.