Verify that both the PS3 and computer are on your home network. A wired or wireless network can be used, providing that both the PS3 and the PC computer are both on the same one.
Changing the Operating System
Download a version of the Linux-based operating system by going to YDL and selecting and downloading the file to the PC's desktop (see Resources). Burn the YDL onto a blank DVD using a program like Nero 6.
Attach a USB keyboard and USB mouse to the USB ports of the PS3. Format the hard drive of the PS3 by going to the System > Format drive > PS3 from the PS3 home menu and select "Custom" from the menu. Press "O" on the game controller to format the drive. The PS3 will restart once the format is completed.
Insert the Linux-based operating system disk into your PS3. Select "otheros.bld" on the menu and press "O" on the game controller to select it and load the files onto the hard drive. Go to System > Install other OS from the menu and the PS3 will now reboot. Press the disk eject sensor to remove the DVD.
Press the "Enter" key on your keyboard to continue the installation of the Linux-based operating system. Follow the prompts to install the Linux-based operating system onto the PS3.
Go to Start > Applications > System Tools > System Config > Network Config. Double click "etho" and select the wired or wireless tab (depending upon your network). Select the network name from the onscreen list and enter the security password. Click "OK" and then select "etbo" and click "Activate." Hit the "Return" key on the keyboard to return to the root screen.
Installing StreamMyGame
Go to the StreamMyGame website and download the application to the PC (see Resources). Click on the StreamMyGame icon to install the software. Restart the computer.
Insert a PC game into the DVD disk drive of the PC. Click on the icon of the PC game to run the game.
Click on the StreamMyGame software to burn it and stream the PC game being played onto your home network.
Video and audio is being streamed from the PC game to the PS3, which can be viewed and listened to on the TV or monitor that the PS3 is attached to.
Play the PC game using the game controller on the PS3.
Specifications of the PC
You will need a PC that is designed to run games at optimal speeds in order for the PS3 to be able to play the PC games being streamed over the network without slowdown problems.
Altering the PS3 operating system will void the warranty and neither Sony nor an authorized dealer will do any work on the game console if it is given to them.