Things You'll Need
Unlock different weapon sets by inputting button combinations during the game. Pressing left, right, X, up, down, square, left and right will unlock weapon set one. Unlock weapon set two by pressing left, right, square, up, down, triangle, left and right. Left, right, triangle, up, down, circle, left and right will unlock weapon set three.
Lower your wanted level by pressing up, right, triangle, triangle, down, left, X and X.
Tap X instead of holding it to sprint. If you hold X, sprinting will only happen for a few seconds before the character gets tired, but if you tap it, you will not get tired.
Shoot the 99 balloons located throughout Vice City. An AK-47, armor, equalizer, flamethrower, M249 machine gun, Molotov cocktails, pistol, Scorpion, sniper rifle and stubby shotgun will be at all safe houses.