Road to Victory introduces 14 action-packed missions that include bunker sieges, air battles and full-scale invasions. The missions are entirely unique to the Road to Victory video game, as they are not used in any other ports of the Call of Duty video game series.
There are four different controller settings for Road to Victory on the PlayStation Portable unit allowing players to select a controller setting most comfortable for them. There is also an auto-targeting setting that can be turned on or off in the game. Auto-targeting automatically aims the player's gun at enemy combatants.
There are a number of different game modes in Road to Victory. Players can take part in game modes such as Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, King of the Hill, Hold the Flag and Team competitions. Road to Victory allows up to six players to participate in a given mode.
Bonus Mode
Players who are able to complete Road to Victory with the game setting on Hardened Difficulty will unlock an additional game mode. The additional game mode is Survival Mode. In Survival Mode, players must withstand waves of enemy combatants.
Besides Survival Mode, there are a number of unlockable features in Road to Victory. Players who complete the game on the Green Difficulty setting will unlock an Unlimited Ammo feature that can be used in subsequent games. Players who complete the game on the Veteran Difficulty setting will unlock an Unlimited Grenades feature. Players who complete the game on the Hardened Difficulty setting will unlock an Unlimited Health feature.