Get 9,999 HP
To get 9,999 HP, fuse together two HP Up materias that have been fully leveled. Then using the item-materia fusing skill, fuse 25 Elixirs into the previously fused HP Up materias. This will create an HP Up+ material that has a bonus of around +360% HP. To get the rare Elixir drops for this fuse, be sure that you complete as many missions as possible.
Master Materia Quickly
Once you reach the point in the game where you have unlocked the Digital Mind Wave called "Lucky Stars," you will be able to use this cheat to master equipped material quickly. Return to the very first mission in the game. Since you are now highly leveled, this mission will be very easy to beat with little risk of dying. By playing through this mission repeated times, you can master your equipped material quickly.
Avoid Battles in Missions
You can avoid many of the battles in missions by running close to the walls. Battles tend to not activate unless you trigger them near the middle of the rooms. This seems especially true for circular-shaped rooms in particular.
Get a Boost from Aerith
During a certain part of the game, your objective will be to follow Aerith through Midgard. If you have troubles getting lost in the city, you can position yourself in front of Aerith as she walks, and she will push you ahead of her for as long as you keep yourself steady.
New Game++
After you complete the game the first time through and save, you will unlock the New Game+. However, you can also unlock a New Game++. This requires you to beat the New Game+ and save the game again after the final credits are over. The New Game++ will allow you to play Crisis Core through yet again, this time with all of your previously unlocked items, weapons, armor and materia.