Things You'll Need
Check for minikits behind objects and in the corners of rooms. Make sure to turn around when you enter a new room, as a minikit might be hidden near the entrance.
Look for hidden or hard-to-access areas. If you notice a conspicuous ledge, a C3P0 or astromech door, or a constructable object off the beaten path, there is a good chance that a minikit is hidden there.
Blast debris or suspicious objects with thermal grenades to reveal hidden areas that may contain minikits.
Focus on locating the minikits rather than collecting them, if you are having particular trouble with an area. For example, if you find six minikits before running out of time, write down where they were located; on your next play-through, ignore those six and focus on finding the four you missed. Try to figure out where all of them are located before you try to collect them all.
Consult a minikit guide to locate any that you couldn't find on your own.