Complete the mission titled "To Victor, the Spoils." This opens the Empire option and your ability to buy and take over businesses.
Enter your business sites to begin the Empire options. You start with 3 businesses, and you can control up to 30.
Walk up to the map or one of the workers to start missions. Approaching the map will allow you to upgrade a business or change the type of business. Approaching a worker will open the missions for the type of business you currently own.
Complete 15 missions to raise your reputation for each type of business. Doing this will substantially increase your income from the type of business you own.
Upgrade your businesses at the map to increase your income.
Take over competing businesses by blowing up the vehicles parked outside them. This will cause local gang members to attack you. Take them out and the gang members inside in order to open the business for purchase.
Beware of rival gang members attacking your businesses if you've attacked one of theirs. It usually helps to focus on eliminating an entire gang at one time.