Equip the LAW missile launcher or FIM-43 and the machine gun as soon as the fight begins. Also equip the Surround Indicator, a device that lets you know where nearby threats are.
Head to the northwest part of the battlefield. Stay behind the walls here whenever you are not attacking the Chrysalis.
Shoot the Chrysalis' AI pod with your machine gun until your ally, Kaz, tells you to use missiles. If you try to use missiles prior to this point, the Chrysalis deflects them.
Fire missiles at the Chrysalis using either the LAW or the FIM-13. The FIM-13 is a more accurate weapon since it has a lock-on targeting feature. Drop a Supply Marker if you need more ammo, and your team delivers it to you.
Dodge the kidnappers that the Chrysalis deploys. Shoot them with the machine gun. If you get captured, wiggle the analog stick until the kidnapper releases you.
Dodge the missiles and chain gun shots from the Chrysalis. After you damage it enough, it hides in the northwest part of the field. Run to the edge of the cliff where the Chrysalis is and blast it with missiles until it collapses.
Shoot open the AI pod with your machine gun. Get inside and gather the memory boards to end the mission.