Things You'll Need
Equip the Jump, Fira, Gravity and Assault Twister materia. You need all four of these abilities to get the Magic Pot DMW.
Start Mission 10-2-3: Master Tonberry from the mission select menu. This mission is listed under "Tonberry Quests." You must kill a Tonberry in Mission 6-1-5 to have access to this mission line. You must also beat the first two Tonberry quests before you can start this mission.
Walk around until you encounter a Magic Pot. He is a random encounter in mission 10-2-3. Do not do anything before being told to do so when you encounter him. He does not attack you if you follow his directions.
Use "Jump" on the Magic Pot after the prompt tells you to use it.
Use Fira on the Magic Pot after being prompted to do so.
Use Gravity on the Magic Pot after being prompted to do so.
Use Assault Twister on the Magic Pot after being prompted to do so. The encounter will immediately end and you gain the Magic Pot DMW as a reward.