Before Mikage Hospital
Go to the teacher's lounge and speak to the teacher inside. The teacher will tell you about a student who has been lingering in an empty classroom.
Venture to the described empty classroom to meet Reiji. The classroom is on the second floor, all the way at the back of the hall to the west.
Go to room 2-1 and speak to the male student.
Leave the school and go to the convenience store on Joy Street to speak with Reiji's mother. Tell her that you know her son and want to be friends. It is important to speak to her only one time.
Go to the casino on Joy Street and speak with the blonde man, who will tell you about Reiji's favored place to hang out, the abandoned factory.
Journey to the abandoned factory and speak with Reiji, who will then leave.
After the Transformation of Mikage Hospital
Journey to the SEBEC building and watch the cutscene with Reiji.
Do not recruit any more characters after this cutscene. You must have only four characters in your party at the time you meet Reiji again.
Meet Reiji when the MC's school becomes a dungeon, and he will join the party.