Manipulating Stat Bonuses
When a character gains a level, he will receive statistical bonuses to his attributes. The amounts of these bonuses are randomized, but with a little patience you can still get the results you desire. After your character acquires enough experience to gain a level, save the game. Reload and choose to level up the character. Examine his new attributes, then reset and repeat if necessary until the stat bonuses have a significant effect on your desired categories.
Easy Experience and Levels
To earn an endless amount of experience points, go to the Spider Spike Hollow area. Defeat the enemies you encounter and head to the beginning of the cave. Shift your direction toward the location of the Giant Spiders, battling the enemies that appear. When you reach the cave of the Giant Spiders, turn back the way you came and return to the Game Map. You will retain all of the experience and levels that you acquired.
Infinite Gold Glitch
Even though this cheat takes a lot of patience, you can amass an infinite amount of gold with this technique. Purchase a Buckler and equip it to a character. Head to the Eastings Merchant and sell your Buckler while it's still equipped. You will receive seven gold for the sale, but the Buckler will remain in your inventory. You can continue selling the Buckler to earn as much gold as you like.
Leveling Glitch
Begin a new game and decide which character is your least favorite. Bring this character along with you on the first and second missions, which will give him enough experience to level up. On the map screen, bring up the menu by pressing the X button. Use L or R to select this character and scroll down to the "Party Mgmt" option. Press X, then immediately press L or R to switch to a different character. The "View Character" option will be highlighted, and you should see the "Man Lvl Up" option below. Raise this character's level, then repeat the process to level the other three party members as many times as you wish. The glitch will continue to work as long as you avoid leveling the original character. Once you've finished, you can get rid of the original character and rehire him. He will auto-level to the strength of your other members.
Easy Loot
If you head to the left cave complex in Spider Spike and enter the lower level, you'll be able to grab the treasure there. Exit, sell the loot and repeat the process. You can do this as many times as you desire, as long as you don't engage the Erinyes in the area.