"Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker" is the sixth installment in the Metal Gear Solid series. Rather than series protagonist Solid Snake, Peace Walker follows his predecessor, the Big Boss, as he leads a team of mercenaries in destroying the eponymous Peace Walker and founding the outlaw nation, Outer Heaven. During a mid-game mission, Big Boss is confronted with the task of fighting a Hind helicopter filled with troops. The quickest and easiest method to take out the Hind is to kill all the soldiers it contains, then to shoot the commandant flying it.
Stay in the area where the fight begins, taking cover in the trees.
Look north to spot the enemy soldiers.
Defeat the enemy soldiers using your preferred weapon. The Twin Barrel and M16A1 are ideal for this task.
Turn to the east and watch the Hind deploy more troops.
Fire your LAW to kill all or most of the troops as the Hind is lowering them.
Repeat this process until the commandant in charge of the helicopter becomes visible in the troop bay.
Shoot a rocket from your LAW into the troop bay, killing the commandant.